8: Reflections towards Assessment

It will be important to discuss with my Tutor what remains to be done before the course finish date of 19/8/2023 (by which point feedback on Assignment 8 must be received).

I hope that the literature review is nearly there but I need to complete a dissertation proposal. I anticipate I will need to become more specific in my intentions (i.e. a title or more precise question). I could make the writing more specific to Rye Harbour (in a similar way to how my Tutor’s work was specific to the Mendips). I could explore more the similarities between the monumental landscapes of New Stone Age Britain and modern nature reserves. I could develop the fourth-order simulation and digital view and/or AI aspect – we talked about how digital processes are changing how people see and make visual work (not just how they look at images). Hence some suggestions:

  • Constructed landscapes, and fourth-order simulations thereof.
  • Constructed landscapes, Rye Harbour, and fourth-order simulations thereof.
  • Constructed landscapes, fourth-order simulations and the digital outlook.
  • The similarities between the monumental landscapes of New Stone Age Britain and modern nature reserves.

I think it is important to decide what I need to present and how it should be presented. For example I have lots of visual and academic research on my blog but nothing I would yet call a final piece – is this OK? I have an idea of what I would like this to be – a virtual presentation in the Red Hut, containing work such as the white stones and red stones (probably taken with the 3D printed camera), and objects such as the camera itself, the Red Hut model and the 3D printed stones. Rooms could be added to contain other work made at the LNR, such as the GIF of the two huts merging in and out of each other, and maybe the embossed landscapes. It might be possible to “rent” the real Red Hut to have an exhibition in, or to work with the Friends of Rye Harbour to hold an exhibition at the Discovery Centre. Is finalising the work and its presentation supposed to happen in 3.2 and/or 3.3 (as well as writing the dissertation).

Should I revamp my blog so that each project is a complete piece – at the moment they evolve from each other, which shows progress and is how we have been guided to work, but is less easy to read as a series of projects? There is a strange message when projects are submitted on OCA Learn indicating that they cannot be changed and I am not sure what this means!?!

Finally, I should work any conclusions into an updated plan to make sure I am ready for finishing by 19/8 and that my Tutor has enough time to complete feedback on the final project.

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