4: Group Activities

Since the rail strikes there have been no further Thames Valley Group meetings. I have continued to contribute to the Level 3 group run by Lynda Kuit, and by email to the Level 3.1 group providing comments on work in progress. The latter is going to focus more on work crit sessions in 2023 as opposed to OCA process and course structure, which for me at least would be a very good thing, and I hope to attend more of the sessions and also present my work soon.

In particular I have provided specific and where appropriate detailed image-by-image feedback to Giorgio on his Venice project, Faith on her B&W landscape images using her son as a character, Steve on his Three Phases of Dying project, Miriam on using Da Vinci Resolve for morphing, cross-dissolving and two-channel video, Michele on her video for assessment, Jack on QR codes and Robert on night photography.

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